The Friends of Menacuddle is a Community Charity set up in 2016 by a group of like minded people, keen to reverse the gradual deterioration of the site with a hope to restore it to its former revered glory.
The first part of the journey was the clearance of the invasive species of laurel that was subsuming what remained of the ornamental garden and pond which was achieved through a substantial grant from Tesco, with the work carried out by Cormac.
With advice from Historic England and further grants, the Grade 2 listed baptistry had some of the concrete mortar on the walls and roof replaced with more appropriate lime and sand, the iron window bar was sealed to reduce further rust decay and the rusted fixings on the plaque were replaced.
Our most recent project has been to dredge the pond which is clay lined and had laurel growing in it like mangroves. We have been delighted with the abundance of pond life that quickly re-established itself once the light reached the water's surface again. The banks around the pond have been supported by the creation of a beautiful curved wall built with Cornish slate and the planting has begun.
To provide a backdrop to the site, now that the laurel has been removed, a row of native hedging shrubs has been planted below the road which in the future will provide a screen and habitat for wildlife.
We hold a 'Welly Day' on the second Sunday of every month, 2:00pm to 4:00pm to work on the site and we are always pleased to welcome volunteers.